
HAGAR Bible Study (Signed by the Author)

(8 customer reviews)

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.99.

  • Paperback: 262 pages
  • Publisher: Leafwood Publishers (10/10/17)
  • ISBN: 978-0891124702
  • Dimensions: 7.5 x 0.7 x 9.2 in
  • Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds




Am I known? Am I loved? Am I home? 

Every human heart is searching for the answers to these questions. Yet when pain and heartache enter our lives, we feel betrayed and cry out one question: God, do You see me? Shadia answers this question with an emphatic, Yes! He sees you! He is working Behind the Seen.

Through this in-depth Bible study, you will find that when you surrender your life into God’s hands, your trials and triumphs serve a magnificent purpose: to draw you into the arms of the faithful God Who Sees Me. Designed for either seven weeks (in-depth) or fourteen weeks (standard) of study.

Enjoy video teaching sessions to enhance your study (sold separately).

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ORDERING FOR A GROUP? SAVE $50 off the Leader’s Kit when ordering with the Bible study books. (See Leader’s Kit product page for details).

INVITE SHADIA TO JOIN YOUR GROUP ON ZOOM! Check out “Zooming with Shadia” for information about having her join you LIVE to answer questions and lead a discussion with your group!

“This study is a personal and compelling guide to a powerful and under-appreciated story of God’s faithfulness.” – BIBLE STUDY MAGAZINE (Faithlife/LOGOS Bible Software)

“This study is deep and packed with surprising insights!” —FRANCINE RIVERS, international best-selling author

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Weight 20 oz
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 1 in
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8 reviews for HAGAR Bible Study (Signed by the Author)

  1. Donna

    I found this study on Hagar a year ago while experiencing a deeply painful time in my life. I desperately needed to know that God knew me, understood what was happening to me and had not abandoned me. And then I found Hagar. I spend time weeping over each chapter as God showed me He absolutely did see me and loved me deeply. I recommend this study to everyone! Shadia is one of the best authors and teachers of the scriptures I have ever encountered. I could tell she taught from the depth of her own brokenness and this compelled me to go further in my own commitment. Thank you Shadia for allowing God to use you to assist those of us who need to know that God sees us!

  2. Judy VandenBerge

    I loved this study on the book of Hagar! I had a group of 9 ladies in my home doing this study! We went thru it page by page. Everyone of us loved it. It shows us how our Heavenly Father sees everything we do. He’s is always with us, even when we think he’s not. He has a plan for each one of us and even tho times get tough and are painful he’s there loving on us. Leading the way, opening doors only He can open! This gave me such comfort when He spoke to Hagar in the desert, He saw her there and Ishmael and had plans for Freedom for them. I never could understand why God would allow Abraham to send her and Ishmael away with very little to live on. It felt so cold and unloving and I know that’s not our Lord! It showed me too that when we least expect it He will provide ALL we need. I would encourage everyone to do this study! It’s very eye opening, uplifting, and hopeful! Thank you Shadia for creating such an Awesome study! It’s also thought provoking, makes you think and search your heart!

  3. Linda Gerwig

    A perfect study into the life of Hagar. By the end of the study Hagar becomes a good friend to you. Shadia has you use your senses to look into this special woman of God. You will never forget this unique Bible Study.

  4. Chris McClintock

    I would highly recommend this Study for anyone. The Lord is using it at the most difficult time in my life to heal, teach and comfort me. It is annoited, and being used very powerful in my life right now! It’s as though it was written just for me. His Love for me, His Love and Eyes upon all of us! I can feel the relationship of a sister in Christ writing it. It’s like I know her because the pages inspired by God are speaking to my deepest part of my soul. I did not go out looking for a study to do at this time, did not read or hear about, can’t even remember how I found it, just ordered it. But I Know Who Led Me To It! I Pray anyone who gets it is as Blessed in the Lord as I have been.

  5. Louise Frostad

    This study found me at a time when my family and I were walking through a very deep valley. At that particular time to study and know that God sees me was such a blessing. Shadia writes a very deep study that allowed me to gain new knowledge and greater understanding of the history and meaning behind a story that one would be tempted to rush over in the word. To find something new after years of bible study and bible school is a very rich gift. I will continue to watch for further studies from Shadia!

  6. Judy

    Our women’s bible study group went through the Hagar study last year. The feedback was so overwhelmingly positive that we have recently begun Shadia’s second study “Legion”. The Hagar study was a unique blend of biblical teaching and vivid insights into this woman whose life story doesn’t take up many pages in the Bible but made a significant impact on history.. It was also a wonderful source of comfort, a reminder of God’s deep love and care over every aspect of our lives.

  7. Gigi Grether

    What a terrific reminder that God is Behind the Seen! He is waiting for us at every critical crossroad in our lives. He was already there for Hagar, the woman at the well, Moses and He will be faithful to be there for each of us! Thank you for your use of words, Shadia and digging deep into the Word to share what God has taught you. (I received this as a gift and am most appreciative

  8. Suzanne Stone Williams

    So far I’ve had the pleasure of doing both the “Hagar” and “Legion” studies. Shadia shares her own very personal story along the way, and shows how much she relies on God for her every step. I enjoyed getting to know Hagar more through this study and to learn more about the historical setting, and how difficult Hagar’s experience was. In terms of the depth of the Bible study it is similar to Beth Moore studies (ie we chose to divide study “weeks” in half in order to fully explore the material!). As a group leader, I appreciated that Shadia had different levels available within the study, so ladies could go deeper in certain areas if they chose to.

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